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The cliché work in progress post

This site has been a work in progress for a while, even before making it to the internet. I've been thinking of and putting off making an official spot for all things to do with my creative output. Sometimes it was major life stuff getting my attention; sometimes it was simply because I wasn't "ready" to put myself out there, sometimes it was just keeping my squirrely mind on one project. Struggling with feeling worthy of a site to myself and standing by my vision and personal direction has been a constant ever present challenge (as most artists may attest to).

a small computer desk with art supplies on it. the room is orange with task lighting
Early creative space tucked into a corner of my apartment

Major life changes have a way of sneaking up without us being ready for them. The raw truths I faced was expecting my parents to be with me until I was much older. Losing my mom and dad well before I was 30 years old was so devastating that my creative energy was choked as I struggled with coping with my grief. The influence of life's stress turned me away from my art for some time and towards looking at health - of my mind, body, and spirit.

looking through trees to see someone standing on a beach with rainbow energy spiraling around them. A shoe sock and smart phone sits in the foreground beside mushrooms.
Balancing mind, body, and spirit.

The mind-body-spirit connection (aka the trinity) ended up being much more than I realized. As I started to explore what it meant to nurture these areas of my life it became obvious that any physical creation I made was hollow unless my mind and spirit was aligned with it. There was a profound insight that life is really just one big art form. There is an art to working our body, an art to teaching our mind, and most definitely an art to guiding our spirit. I dove deep into spirituality, while also looking at my diet and lifestyle habits. Learning became a renewed passion - but it was focused on understanding more about healing. Stretching became a clear need after numerous injuries from years of extreme sports caught up with me. As I started doing a humble routine on my lunch break and sharing its benefits with co-workers a colleague suggested I look at trying a "Sun Salutation" - and as a result - reinforcing previous advice I had been given to try yoga.

A yoga mat sits in the snow among some bushes and trees.
Finding some time in the winter to stretch.

After spending years practicing and finding space to explore other areas of life I hadn't thought of or considered - I came to understand that its not just my body that had to stretch but also my mind. I began evaluating everything about life. There's a lot out there about it but the mind and body influence each other in many ways. My mind had picked up a number of habits from my family, some from school, some from media, some from my environment. All of these habits vary, some being beneficial or some being a hindrance (and anywhere in between). Overcoming or adjusting them becomes challenging because of how much they can be linked to relationships and our environment. Meditation eventually grew off of my stretching practice providing useful tool for understanding my thoughts and beliefs.

The laughing buddha in green light, smiling with happy eyes.
Harnessing Ho Tai's happiness.

I've finally spent enough time being "in-progress" that I see life is "in-progress" perpetuity. It will never end. There's always more to progress on - and constant changes are to be expected. There's always something different about a scenario and as someone has said before "there are no ordinary moments." With that in mind, welcome to my site and welcome to my creative journey. Its a work in progress, and I'm happy to share it openly.

Pattern pieces are layed on a work table with rulers, tailor's hams and set-squares.
"Look at me - I make stuff."

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