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Toronto Based Graphic Artist and Designer

My path was filled with twists and turns that had me constantly exploring new spaces, places and cultures - and as a result - considering new perspectives, and different creative approaches to life.


I experimented with my clothes and personal accessories and thought about how we use them. I soaked up the symbols and logos we use to identify one thing from another. Even the bland and boring visual aids and signs that are part of our daily life I find interesting, seeing the art and design behind it all. I've tried to focus on one discipline, but my need to create is fueled by the same variety I see in life. Ideas sprout up in my imagination all the time - my challenge is narrowing the ideas down to a focused outlet. 


There are a few broad areas of interest that I consistently find myself exploring and expressing myself through. They may seem quite different, but to me they contribute to the overall quality of our experience - and because of that they drive me to create. Our interactions with our spaces, clothing & accessories, brand identity, and the artistic efforts that accompanies all of those elements interests me to no end and I'll forever be creating because of it. 

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